A few words on walking down the streets of my childhood
I’m good with faces but terrible with names,
To the ladies I saw growing up, walking, working and taking care of your kids,
To the little girls, now walking around like the ladies that you are,
To the naughty ones ‘you know who are are’ now with your wives and children,
To the uncles and aunties I saw doing your thing, now visibly older and weaker,
I see you, I don’t know if you see me,
What is this sudden clarity that comes with age?
Those once energetic now slower and fragile
What is this Energy, This Vibrancy, This Life?
I’m terrible with names but great with faces
I want to run to you and talk to you, but…
we never talked, we lived side by side as our lives crossed paths
Now when I see you I’ll give you a smile or a slight nod.
You are the faces of my childhood,
You might not know it, but your reciprocated smile is all that I needed.
[photograph above taken by Derek Kendall]